Sunday, October 9, 2011


We went out for breakfast this a.m.  Now understand that we live in a fairly rural community.  People don't dress up a lot here.  I usually wear jeans and a polo shirt and I'm more dressed up than about 80% of the folks you see.  HOWEVER, here's a guy wearing something that sure looked a lot like pajama bottoms, a sweatshirt and flip-flops.  Jeez, I mean some people have NO standards.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Got song?

You ever have a song going around in your head for days at a time?  I sure do!  Almost all the time in fact though happily it isn't always the same song. Lately it's been this, there are lots of versions but who can resist Gene Autry?  Here's a bit of the audio.  I just had to share my disability!  Have a good one.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Why is it that some people are never happy?  I'm not talking about people who have a legitimate problem, I'm talking about the ones who have never had 'a glass half full'.  It's always 'half empty'.  Everyone gets some rain on their parade from time to time but you'd think some people are like the old Peanuts character 'Pigpen' who had his own private cloud following him around.