Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ron Paul???

Ran into a bunch of Ron Paul supporters yesterday.  The guy wants to kill off the Federal Reserve and the IRS among his other goals to save our nation.  What the fuck is this idiot thinking????  The Federal Reserve is the organization that controls our money.  The IRS funds the entire federal government and much of the states income.  So does he want us to all live on barter, soybeans and roadkill while the rest of the world has cell phones, ham sandwiches and ways to save for the future.  What an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The sky is not falling

Ok, I read a blog entry today by someone whom I do admire and respect but he was going on and on about the fall of socialism in Europe and that apparently he thought it would take down the U.S. as well.  Come on folks!  Socialism is not really the primary political force in Europe.  Even it it were true, which I doubt, it takes more than a moment for things to collapse.   

Sorry, but the end of the world has been delayed.  It will get here eventually but we'll all be very dead by that time!  Until then, we'll just keep on keeping on; maybe one leg in the grave like me but....!